Many of you will know the problem - you get cracking on a figure but for some reason or another you get stuck at some point and simply cannot finish the damn thing. Well after looking at a number of half painted figures that have been sitting on my desk for months I got the inspiration to finish some of them off. Here are some pics of what I managed to complete over the last week or so that had been bugging me for some time - and there are a couple to come as I'm still finishing some additional figures, including a Jes Goodwin Oriental Ogre that I have had in a half painted state for over three years.
Ral Partha Djinn |
Beastman and Chaos Sorcerer |
Rogue Trooper and Major Magnum |
I also completed two more Golden Heroes villains but these didn't sit around on my desk for months. I must admit these are fun figures to paint. Shame citadel never got the licence to produce Marvel figures back in the day. TSR did and I've got all the figures they produced - some are quite god but many are average. They are small too.
The Doctor and Rogue General |